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californiababy(...歌词里面有是California lady, California baby)

2023-11-22 15:47:45育儿问答

大家好,今天来为大家分享californiababy的一些知识点,和...歌词里面有是California lady, California baby的问题解析,大家要是都明白,那么可以忽略,如果不太清楚的话可以看看本篇文章,相信很大概率可以解决您的问题,接下来我们就一起来看看吧!


1、Starin out my window at you窗外繁星对着你闪耀

2、Gettin by aint the same without you没有你,看到的不再一样

3、And I aint the same without you且没有你,我不再是我

4、Can't even do my thing without you没有你我甚至不能做任何事

5、And I remember how it was而我会记住

6、I wish I could be back there cuz我愿我能回到所在的地方

7、I wanna be back where I can...我要回到我能回的地方

8、Take the top off the ride乘车航行

9、We can cruise around我们能四处巡游

10、Listen to the sound as the sun goes down聆听日落的声音

11、And there's a party goin on every corner和各处举行的聚会

12、Thatz why i gotta be in California那就是我要在加利福尼亚的原因

13、We can take the top off the ride让我们乘车航行

14、And there's a party goin on every corner以及各处举行的聚会

15、Thatz why i gotta be in California那就是我要在加利福尼亚的原因

16、Starin out my window at you窗外繁星对你闪耀

17、Gettin by aint the same without you没有你,看到的不再一样

18、But life aint the same without you而没有你,生活也不再一样

19、Cuz I know that it will be too long我知道那要很久

20、Tears from my eyes cry too眼里流出的眼泪也在哭泣

21、Tears from my eyes cry too眼里流出的眼泪也在哭泣

22、I love it when the breeze comes through我爱那微风轻拂

23、So as soon as I get back I'm gonna...这样我就越快回到我要离开的地方

24、We can cruise around我们可以四处巡游

25、Listen to the sounds till the sun goes down聆听哪些声音,直到太阳沉下去

26、And there's a party goin on every corner各处举行着聚会

27、Thatz why i gotta be in California Baby那就是我要在加利福尼亚的原因

28、There aint no better sunset再没更好的黄昏

29、We in the city with the cadillacs我们在这个城市,还有卡迪拉克

30、And it be sunny every day这里每天阳光明媚

31、And we be in'em Drop Top我们在敞篷车中(Drop Top泛指趟蓬车)

二、...歌词里面有是California lady, California baby

1、Sunday's coming i wanna drive my car

2、to your apartment with present like a star

3、forecaster said the weather may be rainy hard预报员说可能下雨

4、but i know the sun will shine for us

5、oh lazy seagull fly me from the dark

6、i dress my jeans and feed my monkey banana


8、then i think my age how old,skyline how far


10、or we need each other in california

11、*you show me your body before night comes down在黄昏来临之前你给我你的

12、i touch your face and promise to stay ever young


14、on this ivory beach we kissed so long


16、it seems that the passion's never gone

17、*you sing me your melody and i feel so please你向我展示你悦耳的歌喉,我感觉如此的愉悦

18、i want you to want me to keep your dream

19、together we'll run wild by a summer symphony


21、his is what we enjoyed not a fantasy

22、the tin-man's surfing i wanna try my luck


24、to the top of tide rip like just have some drugs

25、i know you have no blame for my proud moonish heart


27、welcome to the golden beatnik park

28、oh diamond seashore drag me from the yard


30、incredible sunward i watch as you're in photograph


32、for camera your smile's so sweet,palm trees' so lush


34、would you believe my honey it's califonia

三、谁知道Akia - California歌词的中文翻译

1、Starin out my window at you窗外繁星对着你闪耀

2、Gettin by aint the same without you没有你,看到的不再一样

3、And I aint the same without you且没有你,我不再是我

4、Can't even do my thing without you没有你我甚至不能做任何事

5、And I remember how it was而我会记住

6、I wish I could be back there cuz我愿我能回到所在的地方

7、I wanna be back where I can...我要回到我能回的地方

8、Take the top off the ride乘车航行

9、We can cruise around我们能四处巡游

10、Listen to the sound as the sun goes down聆听日落的声音

11、And there's a party goin on every corner和各处举行的聚会

12、Thatz why i gotta be in California那就是我要在加利福尼亚的原因

13、We can take the top off the ride让我们乘车航行

14、And there's a party goin on every corner以及各处举行的聚会

15、Thatz why i gotta be in California那就是我要在加利福尼亚的原因

16、Starin out my window at you窗外繁星对你闪耀

17、Gettin by aint the same without you没有你,看到的不再一样

18、But life aint the same without you而没有你,生活也不再一样

19、Cuz I know that it will be too long我知道那要很久

20、Tears from my eyes cry too眼里流出的眼泪也在哭泣

californiababy(...歌词里面有是California lady, California baby)

21、Tears from my eyes cry too眼里流出的眼泪也在哭泣

22、I love it when the breeze comes through我爱那微风轻拂

23、So as soon as I get back I'm gonna...这样我就越快回到我要离开的地方

24、We can cruise around我们可以四处巡游

25、Listen to the sounds till the sun goes down聆听哪些声音,直到太阳沉下去

26、And there's a party goin on every corner各处举行着聚会

27、Thatz why i gotta be in California Baby那就是我要在加利福尼亚的原因

28、There aint no better sunset再没更好的黄昏

29、We in the city with the cadillacs我们在这个城市,还有卡迪拉克

30、And it be sunny every day这里每天阳光明媚

31、And we be in'em Drop Top我们在敞篷车中(Drop Top泛指趟蓬车)

32、Wit Hop Hop跳跳街舞(hip-hop就是街舞)

33、Gettin 3 wheels lookin for the spots坏掉一个轮胎才去买

34、With them mamis in the party pants他们舞裤裤袋里装着吗啡

35、And cornrows以及那一条条辫子的发型

36、Thatz anywhere from Crenshaw to Melrose从克伦肖县到梅尔罗斯市,无处不在

37、We ridin down sunset我们感伤夕阳

38、Long as i got a blunt left直到我只剩一支小雪茄

39、If you can smell you can tell如果你能闻到也能说出来

40、I'm from the west我来自西部

好了,关于californiababy和...歌词里面有是California lady, California baby的问题到这里结束啦,希望可以解决您的问题哈!

    关键字:大家 分享 一些 歌词 



    大家好,今天来为大家分享californiababy的一些知识点,和...歌词里面有是California lady, California baby的问题解析,大家要是都明白,那么可以忽略,如果不太清楚的话可以看看本篇文章,相信很大概率可


    大家好,今天来为大家分享californiababy的一些知识点,和...歌词里面有是California lady, California baby的问题解析,大家要是都明白,那么可以忽略,如果不太清楚的话可以看看本篇文章,相信很大概率可


    大家好,今天来为大家分享californiababy的一些知识点,和...歌词里面有是California lady, California baby的问题解析,大家要是都明白,那么可以忽略,如果不太清楚的话可以看看本篇文章,相信很大概率可


    大家好,今天来为大家分享californiababy的一些知识点,和...歌词里面有是California lady, California baby的问题解析,大家要是都明白,那么可以忽略,如果不太清楚的话可以看看本篇文章,相信很大概率可


    大家好,今天来为大家分享californiababy的一些知识点,和...歌词里面有是California lady, California baby的问题解析,大家要是都明白,那么可以忽略,如果不太清楚的话可以看看本篇文章,相信很大概率可





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