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mom face?eminem《my mom》歌词翻译

2023-11-23 19:52:51育儿问答

大家好,今天小编来为大家解答mom face这个问题,eminem《my mom》歌词翻译很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!

一、《The mom song》的歌词

The Mom Song/妈妈之歌 Get up now. Get up now. Get up out of bed.起床了,起床了,现在就起床。 Wash your face. Brush your teeth. Comb your sleepy head.洗脸,刷牙,梳头。 Here's your clothes and your shoes.这是你的衣服和鞋。 Hear the words I said.听话, Get up now. Get up and make your bed.起床了,叠被。 Are you hot? Are you cold? Are you wearing that?你热吗?你冷吗?你要穿那件? Where's your books and your lunch and your homework at?你的书和午餐和功课在哪里? Grab your coat and your gloves and your scarf and hat.拿你的外套、手套、围巾和帽子。 Don't forget. You gotta feed the cat.别忘了喂猫。 Eat your breakfast.要吃早餐, The experts tell us it's the most important meal of all!专家说早餐是最重要的一餐! Take your vitamins so you will grow up one day to be big and tall.吃维他命你才会长得高。 Pleast remember the orthodontist will be seeing you at 3 today.请记得你今天三点要看矫牙医师, Don't forget your piano lesson is this afternoon so you must play.不要忘了今天下午有钢琴课,好好弹, Don't shovel. Chew slowly. But hurry. This bus is here.不要狼吞虎咽,慢慢嚼,快点吃,校车要来了。 Be careful.小心。 Come back here.过来。 Did you wash behind your ears?你洗了耳朵后面吗? Play outside.在外面玩儿。 Don't be rough.别打架。 Would you just play fair?好好玩儿。 Be polite. Make a friend.有礼貌,交朋友, Don't forget to share.要学会分享。 Work it out. Wait your turn.想办法,等换你玩, Never take a dare.不要被挑衅 Get along. Don't make me come down there.和睦相处,别给我找麻烦。 Clean your room. Fold your clothes. Put your stuff away.打扫你的房间,叠好你的衣服,收拾好你的东西。 Make your bed. Do it now.把床整好,赶快。 Do we have all day?我们整天有空吗? Were you born in a barn?你生在谷仓吗? Would you like some hay?你要乾草吗? Can you even hear a word I say?你能听到我说的一个字吗? Answer the phone. Get off the line.接电话,别上网了, Don't sit so close. Turn it down.(看电视)别坐这麼近,关小声, No texting at the table.吃饭不准发短信。 No more computer time tonight.今晚不准玩儿电脑 Your iPod's my iPod if you don't listen up.在不听话iPod没收, Where are you going? And with whom?你要去哪?和谁去? And what time do you think you're coming home?你想要什麼时候回来? Saying"Thank you","Please","Excuse me" makes you welcome everywhere you roam.说谢谢、请、对不起让你去到哪儿都受欢迎。 You'll appreciate my wisdom someday when you're older and you're grown.等你长大了你就知道我是为了你好。 Can't wait till you have a couple little children of your own. You'll thank me for the counsel I gave you so willingly.你自己有了孩子你就明白了,你就会感谢我的良苦用心。 But right now I'll thank you not to roll your eyes at me.但是现在我要谢谢你没对我翻白眼儿。 Close your mouth when you chew we'd appreciate.吃饭时候不说话。 Take a bit maybe two of the stuff you hate.不挑食,不爱吃的东西也试着吃一两口。 Use your fork. Do not burp. Or I'll set you straight.用叉子,别打饱嗝,我会纠正你, Eat the food I put upon your plate.吃完盘子里的食物。 Get and"A". Get the door. Don't get smart with me.考试要考好,去开门,别和我顶嘴, Get a grip. Get in there. I'll count to 3.快点,过来,我数到三。 Get a job. Get a life. Get a Ph.D. Get a dose of.找好工作,有好的生活,读博士,下功夫, I don't care who started it.我不管是谁先打谁的。 You're grounded until you're 36.你被禁足到36岁, Get your story straight and tell the truth for once for heaven's sake.看在老天的份上直接说一次实话, And if all your friends jumped off the cliff? Would you jump too?他们去死,你也去啊! If I've said it once, I've said it at least a thousand times before that.这话我都说你一千遍了。 You're too old to act this way. It must be your father's DNA.多大了还不懂事。一定是你爸的遗传。 Look at me when I am talking.我说话时看著我, Stand up straighter when you walk.走路的时候腰板挺直, A place for everything and everything must in place.东西要放好 Stop crying or I'll give you something real to cry about.(Oh!)别哭了,不然我会给你真的会让你哭的东西, Wash your face. Brush your teeth. Get your PJ's on.洗脸,刷牙,穿睡衣, Get in bed. Give me a hug. Say a prayer with mom.上床了,抱一下,和妈妈祷告。 Don't forget. I love you.别忘了,我爱你。 And tomorrow we will do this all again明天我还要从头再说你一遍, because a mom's work never ends.因为妈妈的工作永远不会结束 You don't need the reason why.你不需要知道原因, Because, because, because, because!因为,因为,因为,因为, I said so, I said so, I said so, I said so!我说了算,我说了算,我说了算,我说了算, I'm the mom. The mom. The mom. The mom.The mom. Ta- da因我是你妈,我是你妈,我是你妈,我是你妈, Ta- da。

二、eminem《my mom》歌词翻译

1、Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

2、Alright, Ima lay the chorus first

3、Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

4、(河蟹)My mom love valium and lots of drugs

5、Thats why I am like I am because I'm like her

6、Because My mom love valium and lots of drugs

7、Thats why I'm on what I'm on cause I'm My Mom!



10、I know your probably tired of hearing'bout my mom, Oooh whooa

11、But this is just a story of when I was just a shorty

12、And how I become hooked on vah-a-l-ium

13、Valium was in everything, food that I ate

14、The water that I drank, fxxkin peas in my plate

15、She sprinkled just enough of it just to season my steak

16、So everyday I'd have at least three stomach aches

17、Now tell me, what kind of mother would want to see her

18、Son to grow up to be an under-afxxkin-chiever

19、My teacher didn't think I was gunna be nothin either

20、"What the fxxk you stickin gum up under the fxxkin seat for?"

21、"Mrs.(河蟹) Mathers your son has(河蟹) been huffin ether,"

22、"Either that or the motherfxxkers(河蟹)been puffin' reefer"

23、But all this huffin and puffin wasn't what it was either, it was neither

24、I was(河蟹) buzzin but it wasn't what she thought

25、Pee in teacup? Bitch you ain't my keeper I'm sleepin

26、What the fxxk you keep on fxxkin' with me for

27、Slut you need to leave me the fxxk alone, I ain't playin

28、Go find you a white crayon and color a fxxkin' zebra!











39、My mom love valium and lots of drugs

40、Thats why I am like I am cause I'm like her

41、Because My mom love valium and lots of drugs

42、Thats why I'm on what I'm on cause I'm My Mom!



45、Wait a minute.. This ain't dinner, this is paint thinner

46、"You ate it yesterday, I ain't hear no complaints did I?

47、Now heres a plate full of pain killers, now just wait till I crush the valium

48、and put it in your potatoes, you little motherfxxker,

49、I'll make you sit there and make that retarded fxxkin face Without even tastin it.

50、You better lick fxxkin' plate you ain't wastin' it, put your face in it

51、For I throw you in the basement again, and I ain't givin' in

52、Your gunna just sit there in one fxxkin place spi????(单词不详)

53、Till next Thanksgiving and if you still ain't finished

54、Then I'll use the same shit again, then When I make spinach dip

55、You little shit Wanna sit there and play innocent

56、A rack filler hit me in K-Mart and they witnessed it

57、Child support? Your father he ain't sent the shit

58、And so what if he did? Its none of your dang business kid"












70、My mom, theres no one else quite like my mom

71、I know I should let bigons be bigons

72、But shes the reason why I am high what I'm high on



75、My mom love valium and lots of drugs

76、Thats why I am like I am cause I'm like her

77、Because My mom love valium and lots of drugs

78、Thats why I'm on what I'm on cause I'm My Mom!



81、My mom love valium now while I am

82、Theres a party animal, I am what I am

83、But I'm strong to the finish with me valium spinach

84、But my buzz only last about two minutes

85、But I don't wanna swallow it without chewin' it

86、I can't even write a rhyme without doin' it


88、Man I never thought I could never be a drug addict

89、Nah fxxk that, I can't have it happen to me

90、But that actually what has ended up happenin'

91、A tradegy, of fxxkin passin it up, catchin' me

92、And its probably where I got aquanted with the taste, Ain't it

93、Pharmaceuticals are the bomb mom, beautiful

94、She killed a fxxkin dog with the medicine she done fed it

95、Feed a fxxkin asprin and say that it has a headache

96、"Here want a snack, you hungry you fxxkin brat?"

97、"Look at that, its a xanax, take it and take a nap! EAT IT!"

98、"WELL FxxK IT, then break it up!"

99、"Take a little piece then beat it, before you wake Nathan up!"

100、Alright ma, you win, I don't feel like arguin'

101、I'll do it, pop it gobble it, and start wobblin'

102、Stumble, hoble, tumble, slip, tripped and I fall in bed

103、With a bottle of Meds, and a Heath Ledger bobblehead



mom face?eminem《my mom》歌词翻译


107、只是一瓶最小的剂量,和Heath Ledger bobblehead(这里是个典故,电影看的多的朋友点明下)

108、My mom love valium and lots of drugs

109、Thats why I am like I am cause I'm like her

110、Because My mom love valium and lots of drugs

111、Thats why I'm on what I'm on cause I'm My Mom!



114、sorry ma~·I still love u though....

















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    大家好,今天小编来为大家解答mom face这个问题,eminem《my mom》歌词翻译很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!一、《The mom song》的歌词The Mom Song/妈妈之歌 Get up now. Get up

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    大家好,今天小编来为大家解答mom face这个问题,eminem《my mom》歌词翻译很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!一、《The mom song》的歌词The Mom Song/妈妈之歌 Get up now. Get up


    大家好,今天小编来为大家解答mom face这个问题,eminem《my mom》歌词翻译很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!一、《The mom song》的歌词The Mom Song/妈妈之歌 Get up now. Get up


    大家好,今天小编来为大家解答mom face这个问题,eminem《my mom》歌词翻译很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!一、《The mom song》的歌词The Mom Song/妈妈之歌 Get up now. Get up


    大家好,今天小编来为大家解答mom face这个问题,eminem《my mom》歌词翻译很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!一、《The mom song》的歌词The Mom Song/妈妈之歌 Get up now. Get up





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